Massage Benefits Very Few People Know

Swedish-Massage-TherapyMost of the folks you know might think that massages aren’t good for much. Some believe that it is just a way to flirt with someone else. It’s true that some people affirm that getting a regular massage has a lot of benefits but, for the most part, the major benefits of massage are still being discovered. Have you been trying to figure out if you should spend your hard-earned cash for a massage on a weekly basis? Here are a few benefits of massage.

Know that massage makes your brain’s chemical makeup change. These changes help to bring down both stress and pain in your body. This is great news because it means that you do not necessarily have to massage the exact body part that is causing you pain. This means that if you don’t like somebody touching, for example, your lower back, you should ask them to concentrate on somewhere you do feel at ease instead. The pressure applied on those places signals your brain to alter its chemical makeup. After some time, the other muscles will destress and relax also.

Several experts believe that regular massages help your body remain inn good health. Science has proven, through a series of tests, that massage can boost your immune system and make it easier for your body to ward off disease. This happens because your body creates more de-stressors when it is massaged. For instance, science has found that the cortisol levels in your body are reduced when you get a massage regularly. Cortisol is caused by stress and it assaults your body’s immune system so lowering your stress levels can only help you continue to be healthy.

Are you aware that getting a massage regularly can help reduce your blood pressure? High blood pressure is decreased also. The reason this is true is that massage sets off your nervus vagus; the vagus nerve is what helps your brain regulate the level of your blood pressure as well as a bunch of other vital functions. A study completed in 2005 discovered that people who suffer from hypertension showed a marked improvement in their condition after getting ten ten-minute massages over the course of a few weeks.

It’s possible for you to give yourself a massage as well. Numerous men and women believe that a massage needs to be done by someone else but that simply is not true at all. You don’t have to be able to massage a specific ache point as long as you can massage close to it. One example of this is someone who suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome can help himself by massaging his own arms several times every week.

There are all sorts of benefits to getting massaged regularly. Most people are aware that getting a massage can be a relaxing experience but they don’t know that it can treat a bunch of different medical conditions as well. Also, the truth is that there is no one type of massage that is better than the other. As long as you put adequate pressure out to make indentations on the skin as you massage, you are providing (or receiving) a good massage. So why don’t you try it out and see a few of benefits yourself?